Location: 21141 Scott Park Road, Davenport, Iowa 52807
Phone: 563-391-1717
Email: welcome@crossroadsqc.org
Facebook: crossroadsqc
Sunday School: 9am
Sunday Worship: 10am
Sunday Evening: 6pm
Wednesday Prayer/Bible Study: 7pm
All services are
interpreted for the deaf.
Home of Crossroads Baptist Academy
Sunday, April 6, 2025 - Crossroads will be celebrating
20 years of ministering to the Quad Cities area. After 10 AM Church, we will have a delicious lunch together. Following lunch there will be a special Afternoon Service, including a slide show of events this past year.
(No 6 PM service)
Monday, April 7 at 6:30 PM - Ladies Armor of God Workshop with Mrs. Lindsey.
Saturday, April 12 - Men's Breakfast and Bible at 9 AM
Sunday, April 20 - Resurrection Sunday. Special musical presentation and reading during 10 AM Service.
Silvercrest Senior Living
Independent Living at 2:15 PM
Sundays - April 13 and 17